I can't believe it's been over two months since I've posted. Yikes! Time flies when you're uber busy with, um, stuff.
In August my A1c was back down to 6.0, exercising has paid off. Big surprise eh? Yeah, the hard part was finding a form of exercise I really enjoyed cause I've always been the "running is for when scary people chase you" kind of gal.
That being said, I discovered skating and I've become a tad obsessed. Now when I say skating I don't mean the Dorothy Hamil kind or even the skateboarding kind, which I do enjoy, I mean the put on some quad skates, a short skirt, a bad attitude, and knock your fellow roller girl over kind of skating. Yep, I joined my local roller derby and I think I'm in love. ;)
Skating on an almost daily basis however has done some weird things to my blood sugars. I've started having random lows in the range of 50-70 about once a week and I have to stop to eat after skating an hour or so to refuel or I definitely feel low. Power bars and Taco Bell have become my best friends.
My shoulder is still screwed up, it's not as painful but I still don't have full range of motion. I have an appointment with an orthopedic doc in a couple of weeks. Hopefully he'll have something new to suggest. If not I guess I'll have to try PT for the third time. Or I could just ignore it and hope it goes away. I'm sure the latter would not be approved by Dr. Transplant and the folks at UIC. ;)
and speaking of approval, I haven't mentioned the whole Roller Derby thing to them so, yeah, shhh! cause exercise, good, track rash from not so sanitary track floor, not so good.
In other news
October 11, I'll be in Chicago for "dinner and dialogue" with the folks at the Chicago Diabetes Project. I'm looking forward to it. In addition to being able to meet my fellow islet transplant recipients, and learning something new about the whole process, I'll also be able to talk to the research scientists that make it all possible. That, to me, is the best part cause how do you say thank you for something like that? For the most part they're behind the scenes and don't get to see the results of their efforts. Hopefully being there to say thank you in person will make things more tangible.
what I'd like to do is line them all up and hug the shit out of 'em.
yay scientists!
and I'm off
cause I'm late and there's a pair of skates and wood floor nearby that have my name on them....